Episode 5: The Epidemic
Colored Podcastcolored podcast, colored, crack, crack cocaine, cocaine, war on drugs, history, politics, policy, drugs, drug, drug policy, addiction, boston, 1980s, michael curry, mary curry, hajah mcgee, rickey mcgee, barbara fields, carl williams, podcast, race, america, black, black americans
Episode 4: Name It
Colored Podcastcolored, colored podcast, crack, crack cocaine, war on drugs, race, america, drugs, history, boston, 1980s, northeastern university, judicial system, supreme court, the new jim crow, craig reinarman, cindy diggs, carl williams, adam foss, rahsaan hall, kurt schmoke, andrea james, alexander lynn, kevin drakulich, michael curry
Episode 3: How to Treat a Plague
Colored Podcastcolored, colored podcast, podcast, crack cocaine, crack, war on drugs, race, america, drugs, history, boston, black, andrea james, craig reinarman, marc mauer, george hw bush, 1980s, northeastern university, media, politics